Friday 5 November 2010

An Open Letter To My Friends

                           AN OPEN LETTER TO MY FRIENDS

Several years ago, I suffered a tragic loss, and since that time, I have been an advocate for animal rights, for no-kill shelters and to stop the mass euthanization of companion animals (cats in particular). I belong to several animal rights organizations that are trying to get the message out there. One of them is The No Kill Nation, which is seeking to change all shelters to no-kill facilities, and Pets on Death Row, which tries to show the plight of the millions of animals which are needlessly euthanized every year in the US. They show many of the animals that are killed every day. Many rescue organizations try to pull some of those animals out of those kill shelters.
To that end, a few months ago, I posted Pets on Death Row on one of my Facebook pages in the hopes of getting the message out to more people and hoping they would share this info with others. It is not an easy site to view, showing hundreds of animals who are going to be killed that day. I especially find it hard to look at because of the loss I suffered several years ago, and I try not to read their posts, because I always end up sobbing and feeling deep sorrow all day.
Having said all that, on Monday, don’t ask me why, I saw a sick little kitten on one of the posts, and God help me, I clicked on it. Within moments, I was sobbing. This little four week old kitten was one of four tiny siblings that was scheduled to die in the morning in NYC. He and his brothers and one sister had URI’s (colds) and were not deemed “adoptable”. (There were many others, but these four and two others caught my attention). My heart couldn’t stand it. I got online and contacted an organization that pulls cats off death lists in NYC and told them that I wanted those four babies. (And the other two were added later). They started the process, and by the end of the day, those six babies were pulled and waiting in crates to be transported to me. The next day they arrived here, and I have been nursing them and caring for them ever since.
Now that sounds like Krazy did a good thing, and it has a happy ending, right?
You see, I don’t have my own place. Due to the present economic situation, I have been living with my sister and brother-in-law for the past couple of years. In my rush to see that those kittens were pulled from the euthanization schedule, I did not ask my sister first if it was okay with her and her husband. I only intended on fostering the babies until they were well and old enough to be adopted out. It never occurred to me that my sister would say NO, but she did.
She and her husband are on vacation, and when I got in touch with her the next day to tell her, she immediately said NO. (Actually, she said, “NO WAY”.)
Now, not to make my sister sound like a heartless woman, but there are already 3 cats and a dog here, and her husband does most of the cleaning up after the animals, and she just couldn’t see asking him to take on more responsibilities.
I had to respect her decision… This is, after all her home, not mine.
Problem was (and still is) that the kittens were already en-route by that time. And if I had canceled their transportation, and told the rescue organization that I couldn’t take them, that they would be sent back to the kill shelter and euthanized.
I made a decision. I couldn’t send them back to death row. I let the delivery go ahead as scheduled. They arrived here on Wednesday, and I have been caring for them and loving them since.
I have NOT told my sister that they are here… I do not want to defy her, and the kittens being here is clearly in defiance of her decision.
Needless to say, I have not been able to sleep for the past three nights, worrying how I can get the kittens safely out of this mess (which I know that I myself created, but there was no way I was going to let them die just because it put me into a bind).
My sister and her husband get home from vacation tomorrow night, and these babies have to be out of here by then.
I have not spent the past three days idly. I have contacted dozens of local rescue organizations to see if they had space to take the babies, but they are all filled up. I have called cat boarding facilities, but they are all out of my financial reach. I have even called a couple dozen hotels/motels to try to find a place where I could go with them and care for them while I try to make other arrangements for them. Of course, I want to care for them myself, and ideally, I want to get my own place so that I can foster rescue kitties. And if this situation has taught me nothing else, it is that it’s time for me to be out on my own.
But the more urgent situation is having the kitties out of here by tomorrow night.
I am waiting on a couple of call backs and emails, hoping and praying for a solution.
As a last resort, I found one motel (out of dozens) that allows pets that I could go to with them, but it will cost me about $120.00 a night.
And so, my friends, I am asking for your help… Whether it be the boarding facility or the motel, I cannot afford it on my own.
Alie (aw3some_genius) has been trying to help me find a solution for the past three days, and if you have any other questions, please feel free to contact either myself or aw3some (Alie).
I don’t have a checking account or paypal account, but there is a Western Union station at the store near here (Stop&Shop of Watertown). Any and all help would be appreciated, as well as your prayers, and any suggestions you might have (beside telling me to get my head examined!) LOL
Please spread the word about the NYC rescue kitties, and God bless you all…
Love, Your Krazy friend,

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